Thursday, 1 June 2017

Hanmer Camp 2017

Last week rm 17 and 18 went on camp! We had an amazing time participating in orienteering, mountain biking, tree climbing, mission impossible, town study and the hot pools.

My favourite activities were tree climbing and going to the hot pools.

The tree climbing activity was amazing. The challenge was to get as high up the tree as you could before getting belayed down by your class mates.I was pleased with myself because I was one of 5 people to make it to the top. It was an awesome feeling looking down at everyone from the highest point in the tree. Being harnessed  up you had to trust your classmates on keeping the rope tight. It was a challenge at the start to trust your buddy but everyone managed to climb the tree. Here is the start of the tree we were climbing

The hot pools were also one of my favourite because it was get to warm up after the cold day of activities.
Going down the super bowl was an awesome feeling every time. The gust of fresh air as you came out the tunnel gave me so much ad reline. Relaxing in the hot pools was a great way to end the day too.

Also we all walked up Conical hill. The view was amazing at the top!When you reached the look out you could see most of Hanmer and the farmlands just out of the town. Also you see the mountains behind you with logging tracks heading up the hills .
Heres a pick of me and my friends at the top and the amazing view...

Overall camp was sooo much fun. I learnt so many things while I was in Hanmer too.
If you want to see a video Miss Hines made on our experience here's the link...