Monday, 25 September 2017

Wearable arts 2017

For wearable arts this year Finlay and I created a Chinese dragon. Our inspiration this year was on festivals. Every group chose a festival and created a costume inspired by it. My group created a Chinese new year festival traditional dragon because we loved that it was colourful and they dress in some amazing costumes. This was made in two parts, the tail and the head.

 The head is formed from paper mache that covered some chicken wire. That then connected the the jaw that was made from a structure of cardboard then layers of paper mache to form the shape we wanted. After that we painted it red, orange and yellow as the main colours.

Tail is a structure made from wire and bent pipe. The pipe was bet to the shape of the tail then the wire was threaded through drilled holes and shaped into half circle to drape the sheet through. We hot glued spikes on the pipe made from cardboard then draped the sheet over everything and cut slits for the spikes. We painted scales on the sheet that were red, orange and yellow to match the head. We then made the end of the tail and attached it to the spikes.

think the head turned out the best as it has detail and is made out off alot of recycled items and we like our colour scheme.Next time we will start it earlier so we weren't rushing towards the end. Also we would work more on the sheet and do finer details.



  1. Kia Ora Ella,

    Remember me!? Its Molly, I am a year eight at Karoro School. Just down the road from you! I was really amazed by your final product of the Chinese dragon. You guys did a great job! The items you used were a great way to create your product! What inspired you to use these items to create the Chinese Dragon?

    I thought that your work was really good! Maybe next time you could tell us if you found this task challenging? Was there a specific task that was set? And did you have to use specific items to create your product? Then maybe our class could have a go at something like this!

    I really enjoyed reading through your work. I like it because it was informative about how you created it. Also it was very interesting to see how you developed it. Also the bright colours were definitely eye catching on the Chinese Dragon! Keep up the good work! Go and leave another comment on my blog!

    Thanks for sharing,


  2. Kia Ora Ella,

    Arly here, a Year 7 from Karoro School
    I was looking through your class blog and I saw this amazing work of art. (Clothing is art right?) I really love how you went all out and how you used a unique array of materials for your Chinese dragon. How did you think of the materials and the design?

    I thought you did a great job with your Chinese dragon. Next time you could tell us if the task was hard easy or what? Was there a limit to what materials you could use? Other than that I think you did a great job.

    I really enjoyed reading about how you made this wonderful piece of art and I loved the photos. The colors were probably the thing that drew me into to it. Go and leave a comment on my blog

    Thanks for this wonderful post.


  3. Hi Ella B
    My name is Magenta from Panmure bridge school. This looks very cool and fun. I really like how you have showed a before and after.

    - Magenta


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