Thursday, 3 August 2017

Weekly Reflection


For maths this week we carried on with completing tasks to do with probability. Heres my probability work book I completed.


For reading the set of instructions we had to follow was to make an origami dog. Heres mine...


  1. Hi Ella, my name is Cheyenne from Paihia School. I really like your Origami dog. I really like how you have designed it, it looks really cool. Was it difficult? Was it fun making the Origami dog? When I do a Origami animal it’s really hard for me.

  2. Hi, Ella B my name is Tarjzon.Wow your origami dogs look amazing! Thats cool that you put the instruction step by step. I might go on your blog and and follow the instructions and make my own dog.

  3. Hi Ella. I really like your origami puppies. They are SUPER cute. I love the eyes. I love doing origami. In fact I have several origami books and lots of origami creations. Your instructions are very detailed and straightforward. Probably one of the best origami instructions I have ever seen.

  4. Hi Ella B,
    It’s Tessa from Paihia school. I really like you origami dog! It is really cute and I love the eyes. Following your instructions I would love to make one. Did you need help?

  5. Kia Ora Ella,
    Is that a photo of your origami dog?
    Your instructions on how to make one are crystal clear!
    Origami dogs are so adorable. I used to be able to make origami swans but I have forgotten how to. I hope you enjoyed making your origami dog.


Thanks for your comment.