Friday 20 May 2016

Week 3 Relfection

In maths this week we have been working on multiplying fractions. This is my understanding of how to do it.

For a few weeks now we have been doing an activity for reading called avilll. This is where you watch a movie with subtitles and do activities to go with it. This week we did an activity called take a book to the movies.To do this activity we get into groups of 4 and have a dictionary ready. The movie will get stopped and the hardest word on that subtitle will get looked up by one person in the group. These are my results...
Take a dictionary to the movies
Word (Perfectly Spelled)
Definition (Choose the best, which is like the way the word was used in the movie)
Interpret wrongly
Having the feeling that one is about to vomit
Unable to be seen or heard clearly
To breath out from the lungs
A prolonged shrill sound or cry

We are currently having mandarin lessons once a week.These are some words we were practising... 


  1. Aloha Ella
    I like the way you layed out your DLO it is easy to read and understand what you are trying to say. I would like to see some of your poems from this week. It was fun when we went to availl and watched the movie. What was your fav part of the movie

  2. Hello Ella,
    I really like your D.L.O about multiplying fractions!
    I think you should keep working on your Chinese and improve your speech. I like doing availll as well. Whats your favorite movie you have whatched so far with availll?


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